Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Robb & Leslie Reiber > TEAM Monavie > Open Meeting, Midland

How about this WEATHER??

The Next Millionaires by Paul Zane Pilzer

Predicted 2006-2016 industrial thinking will end, stock market will be on a roller coaster, FRANCHISING will become the new business model.

Franchising became popular after Ray Kroc systematized making and selling hamburgers

TEAM took the franchising business model and applied it to building community (TEAM)
Teaching is done by those who have had success. TEAM expands because people care.

Wellness is the most popular industry. Wellness information is sought-after.

Monavie is filling a void both with product and information. Great media coverage, but less than 5% of US population aware of Monavie.

CashFlow Quadrant by Robert Kyosaki

Average person spends 100,000 hours at their job, 45,000 hours with their spouse and 15,000 with their children. Out of balance.

Michael Dell met with Team leaders in '99 and talked about three factors needed in a successful business: Content, Commerce and Community, Monavie has all three.

People starting the business now are in a better position now than the current Black Diamonds did when they started, because the awareness of Monavie is much higher now.

DEFINE what this means for you
LEARN from those who are doing it now
DO what they do

Excuses for not doing this: no time, no money
REAL answer is that they don't believe it is as good as it is
Tuesday nights, leadership meeting, rallies and majors answer those questions

SYSTEM > CDs, books, association
Chris Brady said "If you don't buy pipe, you cannot expect pipeline income."
Invest in your business

$290 to get in but $251 (minus $39 entry fee) in February

Get to St Louis. Right now is the biggest transfer of wealth in history.
