Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kirk Birtles > Southfield MI TEAM Open Meeting

Who doesn't want:

We live in a fast moving society with lots of processed food. We can't
get the fruit and good food we need.

Nobody wants to buy a truck load of fruit to eat every day.

MonaVie gives you 10-13 servings of fruit every day.

Just costs four dollars a day.

Four dollars a day for something to help your health.

Employees/Self Emloyed make up 95% of the US workforce.
Business owners/Investors make up 5%.
95% of the money sits with BOs and investors.

Monavie went from zero to a billion dollars in sales in three years.

What if time and money were no object, what would change for you?

What would it be like to retire early?

You are old when your regrets outweigh your dreams.

Have a dream.
Get on autoship
Get on system
Take action

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jim Martin > Team Monavie > Night Owl

Everyone was taught the American Dream.

But we have found a way to buy our time back.

If you want to build it fast, you have to have some armor on.

Don't be a bottle rocket, be a Halley's Comet... Go forever.

You have to have a huge reason why to combat the person coming against

You can settle for mediocrity or you can go for something great.

Get the right information to go to the right side of quadrant?

Don't take your advice from someone who is not financially free.

Everyone in different businesses go to seminars if they want to get

We are being entertained to death.

Don't finance your recreation!

Listen to CDs
Read books

Team has a proven system that takes all of the guess work out.

People are emotional not logical.
Break the label of what "you are."

Show the plan 15 times a month

Go superstar
Direct fullfilment
Then three others

Go power player

Winning every day - lou holtz

Robb & Leslie Reiber > TEAM Monavie > Open Meeting, Midland

How about this WEATHER??

The Next Millionaires by Paul Zane Pilzer

Predicted 2006-2016 industrial thinking will end, stock market will be on a roller coaster, FRANCHISING will become the new business model.

Franchising became popular after Ray Kroc systematized making and selling hamburgers

TEAM took the franchising business model and applied it to building community (TEAM)
Teaching is done by those who have had success. TEAM expands because people care.

Wellness is the most popular industry. Wellness information is sought-after.

Monavie is filling a void both with product and information. Great media coverage, but less than 5% of US population aware of Monavie.

CashFlow Quadrant by Robert Kyosaki

Average person spends 100,000 hours at their job, 45,000 hours with their spouse and 15,000 with their children. Out of balance.

Michael Dell met with Team leaders in '99 and talked about three factors needed in a successful business: Content, Commerce and Community, Monavie has all three.

People starting the business now are in a better position now than the current Black Diamonds did when they started, because the awareness of Monavie is much higher now.

DEFINE what this means for you
LEARN from those who are doing it now
DO what they do

Excuses for not doing this: no time, no money
REAL answer is that they don't believe it is as good as it is
Tuesday nights, leadership meeting, rallies and majors answer those questions

SYSTEM > CDs, books, association
Chris Brady said "If you don't buy pipe, you cannot expect pipeline income."
Invest in your business

$290 to get in but $251 (minus $39 entry fee) in February

Get to St Louis. Right now is the biggest transfer of wealth in history.

Bill Lewis > Team Monavie > Southfield Open Meeting

Three Train Wrecks

Bill was ten years into an engineering career and found that he was
not making ends meet. He was broke.

Cash flow quadrant - Robert kiosaki
If everybody wants to be on the right side, why is almost everyone on
the left?
Because we were never taught to live on the right side. If you are in
the left, you will never have time and money together. There is a
limit on your time, so there is a limit on your money.

Henry David Thoureau - most men live lives if quiet desperation.

Is your income doubling every ten years like everything else?

The only difference between being in the left and right side is
INFORMATION. Anybody can go over there.

You don't need to be a superstar to get started!

Story about farmer going in the ditch and asking a neighbor to help.
He brings a horse. Calls it Bobby, Fred, Joe, Mike. Finally the horse
pulls the car out. Neighbor says the horse would never be able to do
it if he thought he had to do it all by himself.


We are still a people based business. We just do it different. Team
approach. Mentor is helping.

$290 to get started
$250 with feb mv discount
No one makes any money off of signups.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dave Wilson > Kensington Church Lake Orion

Confession - agreeing with God
The church is often a place where people come and hide.
Everyone is walking around carrying weight.

Sin and struggles are like rocks in the backpack.

King David - story of a man that committed adultary, deception and

Sin happens when you are some place you are not supposed to be.

Psalm 32 - when I kept silent my bones wasted away.

That is the journal of a concealed life. He feels older because of
concealing his sin.

When I conceal I die.
When I reveal I fly.

You either reveal your sin or it will be revealed to you. (Micahel

David acknowledged his sin and did not cover his iniquity any longer.
God forgave him.

If we confess our sins, God is with us. John 1:9

Exercise of spiritual breathing. Exhale the impure and inhale the pure.

Agree with God concerning your sin

Rob Bell - Lump video

There is nothing you could do that would make God live you less.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tim and Amy Marks > Night Owl > Southfield MI Open

There is a recession, but I choose not to participate.

Emyth - Gerber
Nobody is born as an entrepreneur. You have to learn it.

People are looking for something that works.

Team has a great system.

Be willing to listen!

Electronic business center

What goes into your mind, will come out in your results.

If you are going thru hell, keep moving.

There is no such thing as job security, just security in income from
building your own b type business.

Listen to as many CDs as you can.

Rotate the pattern.

When you sponsor someone, try to draw out their dream. Get three names
and draw it out on chart. Talk about how possible it would be to
sponsor three peeps that week for that person.

Go to the St louis convention.

Mark Militello > Team Monavie > Southfield MI Open Meeting

Doctor says: Monavie is one of the best foundational nutritional food
products he has ever seen.

When people get sick they always wish they took better care of

We want to be:

This is where Team Monavie fits in.

Robert Kiosaki
Cash Flow Quadrant

Four ways of making money:
Self employed
Business owner
Most people are on the left side of the quadrant but most of the money
is on the right side.

Do you want to be where the money starts out or where it ends?

45 Year Plan

Most people trade time for money.

Only difference between two sides is information.

What do you want from life?

Define, learn, do

Do you want to have discretionary income?

This is a world class system and a world class product.

To build a world class system you must have:

Big dream
Solid product
Auto ship
Great system

It's not theory, it's proven 1.27.09

January 27,09
Bill & Jackie Lewis
Shelby Township

Tuesday with the Lewis peeps was awesome. Here are some things I took away from that meeting.

Kiosaki's book held the #1, #2, and #3 spot on the NY Best Sellers list.

If everyone would choose to be on the right side of the quadrant, why are most of us on the left?

You can't play a new game with old rules. You can't play euchre with spades rules.

When you go home, if your business goes home with you, you are trading time for money.

You have to have the right vehicle to take you to a place where you can fulfill your Hopes & Dreams.


When you get out of college, most of the time you stop growing as a person.

It's not theory, it's proven.

I'm not offering them juice, I'm offering them FREEDOM!

This business feels different because it is different. If you want a change it will feel different.

Google bought Youtube because it is a community.

You can't motivate anyone. If they don't have it in them you will find yourself having to motivate them everyday. You can inspire, but motivation comes from inside.

You can't be non-successful and successful at the same time.
