Saturday, January 10, 2009

Chris Brady > TEAM MonaVie January Seminar

There is a National buzz about MonaVie.

It has been on Oprah, Rachel Ray, The Doctors.

MonaVie is first in the wellness drink category.

Five things that Monavie can do:
Better focus
Better energy
Asleep when you are asleep, awake when you are awake.
Disappate aches and pains.
Heightened relational something or other. (Number 5)

Five components of making this work:
Understand your product.
Visualize your "dream lifestyle."
Your subconscious mind believes you intently.
Visualize your team being big!
Visualize yourself being worthy of this success.
Get away from negative self talk.
Arm yourself
Get "all in."
Get on system.
Get a ticket to the major function.
Load your gun: product to share, tools from the system to get
people listening. (SYSTEM: save yourself stress time energy money)
In your tool arsenal:
First night brochure
First night book "Commerce Through Community"
Success from home mag
Dr. Schauss DVD
Aditional info pack
How to get started pack
Go out and do the work
Lots of people are in the looking zone. Look for these people.
Leave the others alone.
Don't pre-judge people based on your past experiences.
Work hard enough to go through the numbers and get the law of
averages on your side.
Eventually you will find people that are hungry and influential.
Pour, watch and flip
Master the pattern and go Superstar
Make a list
Show the plan
Follow up
Get started then rotate

W Clement Stone - whatever you see in your mind you can achieve.

Three promises:
It works
You can do it
It's worthy of your time
