Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brian Powers > Tuesday Open Meeting > Midland MI

Orrin Quote: 40% of high school graduates go on to read ONE book.

Take advantage of:
Home based businesses
Intellectual distribution

Soften your heart.

Aaron Redosa from Merrill MI
Physical therapist
Now succesful in MonaVie

TEAM MonaVie is the sits in the dead center of three trends. Health, wealth, wisdom.

Brian was in fire prevention 35 years.

Bill Lewis showed the plan by asking how long he had worked and how long til retirement... And could he do all the the things he wanted to do? Left CDs.

Bill had him read the Cash Flow Quadrant. It changed his thinking.

Michigan has changed industry many times. Fur trading to farming to manufacturing to information.

Brian noticed that he knew how to make money but he didn't know how money was made.

Covey says we are failing our youth by teaching them win/lose principles.

We are building communities living room to living room.
