Team is looking for people that are:
$.44 per serving of fruit for Monavie
New people: listen to alex schauss cd and larry vanbuskirk - posture
with monavie.
Kiosaki: if you trade time for money, you will never have both.
Ray Kroc is the father of franchising. He invented Hamburger
University. His system was the magic.
We have been taught that we are the magic all of our lives. That won't
Building a b type business: it starts out taking lots if work.
What do you want out of life? (DEFINE it)
It doesn't take age to retire, it takes $$.
LEARN through a system - CDs, books
Life is like running up an escalator, the moment you stop running, you
go backward.
A b type business makes you look better than you are!
DO - follow what others who have done it before have done.
We build a community if loyal buyers.
I would rather be an idiot in an upward trend, rather than a genius in
an downward one. - Chris Brady
258$ to get you started. (for the month if march) +$39 after that.
What we do different is: we help you.