Bill Lewis is here next week.
Start time is 8 instead of 7:30pm
Paul Zane Pilzer - Economist
Tie into four trends:
Franchising (intellectual distribution)
Home based business
You can never make more than the person in front of you in a pyramid.
Corp America is basically a pyramid.
Why not get up when you are done sleeping? Forget the alarms.
The next ten million millionaires are coming from the four trends above.
Team monavie is right in the middle of all of them.
Cash flow quadrant - four ways of making money.
Everyone wants to be in the right side if the quadrant. The only
difference between the people on the right and on the left is
Use the tools to get your time back. (share them with other people to
generate interest.)
45 year plan. You get to a point where you run out of time to trade
for money.
Switch to a different pay plan. Learn, change, teach, duplicate.
Health train wreck
Mcd's costs five dollars for a meal. So does MV. What is better for you?
MV is a rust inhibitor for your body.
Wealth train wreck
Wellness will be a trillion dollar industry by 2010. One trillion
dollars is one million millionaires!
Relationships train wreck
Read books, listen to CDs, associate with others who have results.
Books will help to clarify the foggy areas that you might have from
the other areas of the training system. It fills in the gaps.
Association helps you stay positive. Other people are trying to
improve like you.
Mentorship - someone that is willing to spend their time helping you
make sense of it all.