Saturday, January 10, 2009

Chris Brady > TEAM MonaVie January Seminar > Part II

When money gets tight for people they make bad decisions.

In a storm, remain calm.
Go back to the big picture in your mind.

You don't have to look good to make this work. (he drove a dustbister
plastic van.)

It doesn't always go the way you want it to go. Just keep at it.

He met Mark Huber at the company gas pump. Mark ended up opening a
huge leg of his business. Tim Marks, Bill Lewis, etc.

Don't be deceived by appearances.

Expect people to sacrifice.
Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards.

Go from 95% to 5% to 1% thinking.
You can't do everything in life. Choose something, focus on it and
make it the masterpiece of your life.
Sell out emotionally and focus.

Nothing lasts forever.

Will you give it all you've got? You will win big.
