Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Nick Zettel > Night Owl > Open Meeting > Midland MI

Go superstar!!!!!! Lots!

Five step pattern:
1) make a list
2) contact
3) stp
4) follow up
5) get them started and rotate

Winter Leadership in St Louis! Be there!

Read commerce through community. It is a quick read.

Income vs wants
Make sure you know why you are doing this. Dream!
Don't shrink your dreams.

Winners never quit. Quitters never win. Figure out why you are doing
this. It has to be emotional!

Nick Zettel > TEAM Monavie > Midland MI > Open Meeting

Three train wrecks:

Bill Lewis is here next week.
Start time is 8 instead of 7:30pm

Paul Zane Pilzer - Economist
Tie into four trends:
Franchising (intellectual distribution)
Home based business

You can never make more than the person in front of you in a pyramid.
Corp America is basically a pyramid.

Why not get up when you are done sleeping? Forget the alarms.

The next ten million millionaires are coming from the four trends above.

Team monavie is right in the middle of all of them.

Cash flow quadrant - four ways of making money.

Everyone wants to be in the right side if the quadrant. The only
difference between the people on the right and on the left is

Use the tools to get your time back. (share them with other people to
generate interest.)

45 year plan. You get to a point where you run out of time to trade
for money.

Switch to a different pay plan. Learn, change, teach, duplicate.

Health train wreck
Mcd's costs five dollars for a meal. So does MV. What is better for you?

MV is a rust inhibitor for your body.

Wealth train wreck
Wellness will be a trillion dollar industry by 2010. One trillion
dollars is one million millionaires!

Relationships train wreck
Read books, listen to CDs, associate with others who have results.
Books will help to clarify the foggy areas that you might have from
the other areas of the training system. It fills in the gaps.
Association helps you stay positive. Other people are trying to
improve like you.

Mentorship - someone that is willing to spend their time helping you
make sense of it all.

We're going straight to the top.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brian Powers > Night Owl > Tuesday Open Meeting > Midland MI

Ray Kroc
Sam Walton
Colonel Sanders
All older men when they created their dynasties.

Haugens helped a couple get to Emerald in four months!

MonaVie returns 50% of money to distributors.

1) make a friend and find a need (larry vanbuskirk cd)
2) make a list - don't let your new person pre-judge
3) contact/invite
4) show the plan
5) follow through
6) repeat the process/check with mentor

STP four times a week
Go superstar
Attend Tuesdays (community)
Attend mens leadership
Listen to CDs
Book of the month
Standing order ticket

Brian Powers > Tuesday Open Meeting > Midland MI

Orrin Quote: 40% of high school graduates go on to read ONE book.

Take advantage of:
Home based businesses
Intellectual distribution

Soften your heart.

Aaron Redosa from Merrill MI
Physical therapist
Now succesful in MonaVie

TEAM MonaVie is the sits in the dead center of three trends. Health, wealth, wisdom.

Brian was in fire prevention 35 years.

Bill Lewis showed the plan by asking how long he had worked and how long til retirement... And could he do all the the things he wanted to do? Left CDs.

Bill had him read the Cash Flow Quadrant. It changed his thinking.

Michigan has changed industry many times. Fur trading to farming to manufacturing to information.

Brian noticed that he knew how to make money but he didn't know how money was made.

Covey says we are failing our youth by teaching them win/lose principles.

We are building communities living room to living room.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Chris Brady > TEAM MonaVie January Seminar > Ticket Holders Meeting

What are we going to accomplish by St. Louis?

Each one reach one.
Go getter
Get others on your team to set/hit goals.

Make a goal between you and your buddies and "game" it with them. Go
across together as a team for excitement.

Squeeze play - it's a team approach.
"You may not appreciate the significance of this yet, but you will
thank me later."
"Do you want to hold your spot?"

Many of our biggest leaders were squeezed in.

If you understand this, this will be easy!

Be duplicate-able.

Recommended way to get started:
$130+$13 for one case of MV
$96 for system (six months)
$12 for blue book
$39 for MV signup
$290 total to get started

This type of system is how the TEAM got big.

It causes explosions and exponential growth.

If you fold a paper in half 50 times it would stretch past the sun.

Don't use the last six months to predict the next six months.

Terri Brady > TEAM MonaVie January Seminar > Ticket Holder's Meeting

Oh the places you'll go. - Dr Suess

You will have all kinds of failures on your way to success.

Life is never perfect. Don't wait for perfect.

Life is not fair. It wasn't meant to be.

When you are down and out, you get respect for others that have been
there and have clawed back to the top.

The Men (and woman) of Solomon

Chris Brady > TEAM MonaVie January Seminar > Part II

When money gets tight for people they make bad decisions.

In a storm, remain calm.
Go back to the big picture in your mind.

You don't have to look good to make this work. (he drove a dustbister
plastic van.)

It doesn't always go the way you want it to go. Just keep at it.

He met Mark Huber at the company gas pump. Mark ended up opening a
huge leg of his business. Tim Marks, Bill Lewis, etc.

Don't be deceived by appearances.

Expect people to sacrifice.
Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards.

Go from 95% to 5% to 1% thinking.
You can't do everything in life. Choose something, focus on it and
make it the masterpiece of your life.
Sell out emotionally and focus.

Nothing lasts forever.

Will you give it all you've got? You will win big.

Terri Brady > TEAM MonaVie January Seminar > Part II

Back at the start of their business, all Terri wanted was time.

The best way to predict where you will be in five years is to look at
someone doing your job--five years ahead of you.

She was struck by the community and friendships at her first major

She knew that she wanted certain things in her life, but there was an
artificial barrier she had put up between her and the things she wanted.

She wanted to be stay at home mom, but was proud of her engineering

Rise above being offended.

There is no shame in being a stay at home mother, father, woman or man.

Less and less mothers desire to work full time jobs today. That is a
great trend!

What do you want?
Stay at home mom
Debt free

Write down your dreams.

At the break

Chris Brady > TEAM MonaVie January Seminar

There is a National buzz about MonaVie.

It has been on Oprah, Rachel Ray, The Doctors.

MonaVie is first in the wellness drink category.

Five things that Monavie can do:
Better focus
Better energy
Asleep when you are asleep, awake when you are awake.
Disappate aches and pains.
Heightened relational something or other. (Number 5)

Five components of making this work:
Understand your product.
Visualize your "dream lifestyle."
Your subconscious mind believes you intently.
Visualize your team being big!
Visualize yourself being worthy of this success.
Get away from negative self talk.
Arm yourself
Get "all in."
Get on system.
Get a ticket to the major function.
Load your gun: product to share, tools from the system to get
people listening. (SYSTEM: save yourself stress time energy money)
In your tool arsenal:
First night brochure
First night book "Commerce Through Community"
Success from home mag
Dr. Schauss DVD
Aditional info pack
How to get started pack
Go out and do the work
Lots of people are in the looking zone. Look for these people.
Leave the others alone.
Don't pre-judge people based on your past experiences.
Work hard enough to go through the numbers and get the law of
averages on your side.
Eventually you will find people that are hungry and influential.
Pour, watch and flip
Master the pattern and go Superstar
Make a list
Show the plan
Follow up
Get started then rotate

W Clement Stone - whatever you see in your mind you can achieve.

Three promises:
It works
You can do it
It's worthy of your time

Terri Brady > January TEAM MonaVie Seminar

You can't be a Papa before you are a daddy. (Pay your dues.)

Acai berry: growing in popularity across the modern world.

Washington Post - for those who are tired of juices, wheat grass and
protein bars, there is Acai.

People - live longer, look better fruit - Acai.

Antioxidant - oxidation causes problems at the cellular level. This is
true for the body. Acai takes care of this.

Nutrition is not always the cheapest way to go.

Monavie has a patented freeze dry process that is ten times more
expensive than other techniques to preserve nutritional content. It is
worth the cost per ounce.

TEAM reccomends three case auto-ship if you are in business. It
benefits you the most.

You will learn the most from the people you give the juice to.

Preparing for the January Saginaw Seminar

Friday, January 9, 2009

Ed Zenter > TEAM Men's Leadership > Saginaw MI


Don't get on the system, get in the system.

Don't get numb to the positive message.

Learn, grow, develop

Don't treat this as a hobby. Treat it as a professional. Have

When you listen or read, do it with specific intent. Try to find ways
to talk about it with your team.

Stay plugged in.

The tools are a lever. You must use it in order to build a big team.

Have a stock of tools to help people. Some people have issues. If
because of the books you have read, you can have something to help
them, you will have influence.

Mark Huber > TEAM Men's Leadership > Saginaw MI


Use the strengths of your personailty to build your business.

We are not human beings, we are human becomings.

We were designed for this moment.

Aug Mandino's Five Keys:
Count your blessings
Proclaim your rarity
Go the extra mile
Choose wisely
Do all things with love

Book to read: Fred Factor

Movie: Legend of Baggar Vance
Find your authentic swing.
