Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jim Martin > Team MonaVie > Shelby Twp MI

Fours years and five months: MonaVie has existed. 45 out of the top
100 income earners are in MV!

Team System: listen to CDs, read books, association, electronic
business center.

We are on a people business. CDs help keep your attitude up. Books
help you to build your business.

Tie into the system to have the best chance at winning.

Activity: show the plan 15 times a month or four times a week. You
must do this to make it go quick.

1) make a list
2) contact
3) stp
4) follow thru
5) teach

2000 networking companies start every year. Only two survive.

Team game:
Media war
Fastest growth

4000/wk are moving up in rank.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Matt Abraham > Team Monavie > Open Meeting > Grand Blanc MI

There are not many answers out there for the rough economy. Team is
one great answer.

I am not bound by today's circumstances.

What types of people would be worthy of seeking information from?
1) is their business today better than it was yesterday? Do they stay
on the cutting edge?
2) are they learning organizations?

Network marketing industry is going from fringe to mainstream. Read
the Next Millionaires by Paul Zane Pilzer.

Information Age: everything is based on distribution

Health and Welness: one trillion dollar industry. MV is a functional
food beverage.

Monavie: product and the company

Team System: tells you why you're are going to succeed. June 5, 6, 7
in Louisville KY: Team Leadership.

Team Approach: the goal is to build the community.

Mark Millitello > Team Monavie > Open Meeting > Grand Blanc MI

We are part of the solution, not the problem.

One if the biggest products in the world is pacemakers. People are
having health issues in a major way.

Health and wellness is a huge trend.

MonaVie is one of the fastest growing companies in America.

What's in it for you?
Peace of mind.

Wealth is having time AND money.

The only thing that separates us from the people on the right side of
the cash flow quadrant is information.

We have the best product in the best trend with the best compensation
plan in the industry.

Traditional network marketing doesn't work because it is untrained
people training untrained people.

Four corners of business:

Dream: what would you do with time and money if you had it?

Autoship: take advantage of compensation plan, get the health benefits

System: training, duplication

Pattern of activity: list, contact, show the plan, follow through,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ed Zetner > Team Monavie Open Meeting > Southfield MI

Supply side: Monavie
International biz
Research and development
Debit card
Product info
ACTIVITY - min one case autoship

Support side: Team
Electronic business center
Direct fulfillment
Soft skills
Standing order ticket
Tuesday meetings
Share four times a week

Looking for people that are:
Have integrity

Team Monavie is a turnkey operation.

Matt Abraham > Team Monavie Open Meeting > Southfield MI

What are we going to do to change our circumstances?

How do we get results?

We are looking for health, wealth and wisdom. Team Monavie sits at the
intersection of these three things.

Our bodies are designed to repair themselves. We are just not giving
it the right fuel (food).

Dr Schauss has a new cd called "The Power of the Acai."

Anything that does not use the freeze dry process, loses about 70% of
it's nutritional value.

Most juice companies take out the pulp too, which lowers the
nutritional value.

Monavie keeps the whole thing. It's a functional food beverage.

Do you want to be where the money begins and ends? Or where it comes
to visit? You want to be in a "B" type business. Using systems.

Use the first night pack and get them to listen + read the first 50

20 cases x 20 cases each week running through your binary yields $20k
per year.

People don't think they can do it. We don't either. That is why we
have a system!

The Open Meetings are the biggest lever of anything. Get people here!

There is no limit to where this is going.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bill Lewis > Team Open Meeting > Shelby Twp MI

1) Long term vision
2) Delayed gratification
3) Power of compounding

Write down a list of each cd. Then write down the bullets that you
remember. Then listen again and write bullet points. How well did you

Know the 18 CDs in the first three packs.

That is a secret to Orrin's success. He is confident in the business.

Kirk Birtles > Team Monavie > Open Meeting > Shelby Twp MI

If you get a banana in Michigan, it was probably picked like two years
ago. :-)

19 Nutrient dense fruits are used in MonaVie. The crown jewel being
the Acai.

1/3 of the population in the US suffers from heart disease.

Over 2 million users. 11 countries. Soon to be 14. 4th largest MLM.

87% of the people that get in other MLMs get out in the first year.
Because it is built the old school way.

May 16 in Grand Rapids MI. Seminar with Mark and Jen Paul. Some of the
best in world at building communities.
